вторник, 3 сентября 2019 г.

Sand animation is a style of drawing animations and live performance using sand

Sand animation is a style of drawing animations and live performance using sand - We make a wonderful offer to plunge into the fabulous world of sand animation and sand painting!

They exclaimed: “Light!” “Air!” “Sky!” “Noon!” “Shadow!”, Like the Siren in the story of Jules Lemaitre, whose language was limited only to the names of the elements and simple phenomena of elemental life.

The real merit of their great work is that they gave an exact definition of words, noting and defining each concept with their own personality.

The picturesque work of our time comes down to the establishment and definition of words and symbols.

This is the work of creating the language, but the smooth and rhythmic speech of the old masters is unknown to contemporary art. But for the future art, we have prepared a dictionary of such dimensions as never before been used by any art of past centuries.

The task of art is not to be a mirror image of his era, but to transform, enlighten and create the surrounding nature at every moment.

Art is an excuse for life. What is marked with a brush or a word is justified and has become visible.

People do not see those things and phenomena that are not marked by an exclamation mark of the artist.

But the exclamation mark is not a typographic symbol of the language of St. The spirit?

A creative act is the descent of the spirit into matter, Sand animation is a style of drawing animations and live performance using sand. He is tormented and joyful because he is the cross of God in the matter, Sand animation is a style of drawing animations and live performance using sand. A dream, embodied, potentially abides in its body.

Then comes a new act of creativity - the perception of a work of art by a spectator or listener, Sand animation is a style of drawing animations and live performance using sand. The ascent of the spirit begins.

“Understanding is a reflection of creativity,” said Villiers de Lille Adan. These words are only a premonition of truth, because what we call perception and understanding is in fact a self-determination of a work of art that has recognized itself in the soul of the viewer, Sand animation is a style of drawing animations and live performance using sand.

The life of a work of art and its effects are completely independent of the will and plans of its creator, Sand animation is a style of drawing animations and live performance using sand.

The self-consciousness of a work of art in the soul of the people is a fact more solemn and important than the act of creativity.

The ultimate goal of art is that everyone becomes a re-creator and creator of the surrounding nature, whether he is the creator or the stage of self-consciousness of a work of art.

So, here are the main points of this article.

1) Tradition and canon are not dead mechanical forms, but a living and ever-growing language of symbols and images. And only on it can individualistic art arise.

2) Individualism arises from a sense of self-preservation, but only then does it reach the extreme point of its development when, by voluntary renunciation of itself, it finds its highest self-affirmation, Sand animation is a style of drawing animations and live performance using sand.

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